MODULE - 1 Est. Duration: 57 min
MODULE - 2 Est. Duration: 48 min
MODULE - 3 Est. Duration: 1 hr 9 min
MODULE - 4 Est. Duration: 41 min
MODULE - 5 Est. Duration: 42 min
MODULE - 6 Est. Duration: 23 min
MODULE - 7 Est. Duration: 56 min
MODULE - 8 Est. Duration: 25 min
MODULE - 9 Est. Duration: 17 min
MODULE - 10 Est. Duration: 24 min
Unit 11 .2
LETTER 'chhoTii ye'
Est. Duration: 8 Minutes
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And now let’s look at the letter ‘chhoTii ye’ in detail and see how we can make some new words with it.
11.2.1: ‘chhoTii ye’ as ‘ii’ in the Initial position
To create the long-vowel sound ‘ii’ in the initial position in a word, the ‘chhoTii ye’ is always preceded by ‘alif’. This is similar to what we’ve seen with the letter ‘vaao’ when creating the sound ‘o’ in the Unit 10. Here’s how the long-vowel ‘ii’ written:
- ii
- ई
Above: ‘chhoTii ye’ preceded by ‘alif’ to create the long-vowel sound ‘ii’. Notice the zer in there.
Yes, that’s a self-implied zer below the ‘alif’. ‘alif’ with the zer joins with the ‘chhoTii ye’ when forming ‘ii’.
Also, the ‘chhoTii ye’ is a connector. When connecting with other letters following it, it changes shape and assumes a short-form as shown below:
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
Above: Comparative showing ‘chhoTii ye’ in its full and short forms
Therefore, using the two rules we’ve seen above, here’s how the word “iisaar” (ईसार), meaning "sacrifice" is written:
- iisaar
- ईसार
Above: The word “iisaar”
Let’s look a break-down of this before a we see a complete explanantion of how this works:
- iisaar
- ईसार
- re
- रे
- alif
- अलिफ़
- se
- से
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- alif
- अलिफ़
Above: ‘alif' + ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘se’ + ‘alif’ + 're' = “iisaar”
Or, more precisely:
- iisaar
- ईसार
- re
- रे
- alif
- अलिफ़
- se
- से
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- alif
- अलिफ़
Above: ‘alif’ + short-form of ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘se’ + ‘alif’ + 're' = “iisaar”
Here’s how the word “ii.nT” (ईंट) is written:
- ii.nT
- ईंट
Above: The word “ii.nT”
Let’s look a break-down of this before a we see a complete explanantion of how this works:
- ii.nT
- ईंट
- Te
- टे
- nuun Gunna
- नून ग़ुन्ना
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- alif
- अलिफ़
Above: ‘alif' + ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘nuun Gunna’ + ‘Te’ = “ii.nT”
Or, more precisely:
- ii.nT
- ईंट
- Te
- टे
- nuun Gunna
- नून ग़ुन्ना
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- alif
- अलिफ़
Above: ‘alif’ + short-form of ‘chhoTIi ye’ + short-form of ‘nuun Gunna’ + ‘Te’ = “ii.nT”
Similarly, let’s look at the word - “iijaad” (ईजाद):
- iijaad
- ईजाद
- daal
- दाल
- alif
- अलिफ़
- jiim
- जीम
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- alif
- अलिफ़
Above: ‘alif’ + ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘jiim’ + ‘alif’ + ‘daal’ = “iijaad”
You’ll notice that the ‘chhoTii ye’ uses a slightly different short-form when connecting with the ‘jiim’ in the example above, i.e;
- chhoTi ye
- छोटी ये
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
Above: Short-form of ‘chhoTii ye’ when connecting with ‘jiim'
This is similar to the short-form assumed by the letters of the 'be' group when connecting with 'jiim' group letters.
11.2.2: ‘chhoTii ye as ‘ii’ in the Medial position
In the medial position in a word, the ‘chhoTii ye' follows similar rules as we’ve seen above. Only in this case, the ‘alif’ is replaced by the consonant preceding the ‘chhoTii ye'. For example, let’s look at the word “biin” (बीन):
- biin
- बीन
Above: The word “biin”
Here’s the break-down:
- biin
- बीन
- nuun
- नून
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- be
- बे
Above: ‘be’ + ‘chhoTii ye' + ‘nuun’ = “biin”
Here’s another example, the word - “piina” (पीना):
- piina
- पीना
- alif
- अलिफ़
- nuun
- नून
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- pe
- पे
Above: ‘pe’ + ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘nuun’ + ‘alif’ = “piina”
And yet another example, the word - “biitna” (बीतना):
- biitnaa
- बीतना
- alif
- अलिफ़
- nuun
- नून
- te
- ते
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- be
- बे
Above: ‘be’ + ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘te’ + ‘nuun’ + ‘alif’ = “biitnaa”
11.2.3: ‘chhoTii ye’ as ‘ii’ in the Final position
In the final position in a word, full-form of the ‘chhoTii ye’ is used. This is very similar to the behavior exhibited by other connectors. Take a look at the following example, the word - “chaabii” (चाबी):
- chaabii
- चाबी
Above: The word “chaabii”
And here’s the break-down:
- chaabii
- चाबी
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- be
- बे
- alif
- अलिफ़
- che
- चे
Above: ‘che’ + ‘alif’ + ‘be’ + ‘chhoTi ye’ = “chaabii”
Did you notice that new short-form of that ‘be’ in there?
- be
- बे
- be
- बे
Above: Short-form of ‘be’ when connecting with the ‘chhoTii ye’
Once again, just remember this for the upcoming examples. We’ll learn about these various short-forms and more in the very next unit where we’ll go through all the letter groups we’ve come across so far.
Okay so, moving on, here’s another example that shows the ‘chhoTii ye’ in the final position, the word - “daadii” (दादी):
- daadii
- दादी
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- daal
- दाल
- alif
- अलिफ़
- daal
- दाल
Above: ‘daal’ + ‘alif’ + ‘daal’ + ‘chhoTii ye’ = “daadii”
And another example, the word - “paapii” (पापी):
- paapii
- पापी
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- pe
- पे
- alif
- अलिफ़
- pe
- पे
Above: ‘pe’ + ‘alif’ + ‘pe’ + ‘chhoTii ye’ = “paapii”
11.2.4: ‘chhoTii ye’ as the consonant ‘y’ in the Initial position
Much like the case with ‘vaao’ as we’ve seen earlier, the ‘chhoTii ye’ may act as the consonant ‘y’ ( य | /j/ | ) in the initial or medial positions in a word depending upon its context. For example, look at the word “yaad” (याद):
- yaad
- याद
Above: The word “yaad”
In the word “yaad” above, notice the following:
‘chhoTii ye’ appears in the initial position and being a connector, assumes its short-form to connect with the ‘alif’.
It is NOT preceded by an ‘alif’ or any other consonant and acts as the consonant ‘y’ all by itself.
Here’s a break-down showing this:
- yaad
- याद
- daal
- दाल
- alif
- अलिफ़
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
Above: ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘alif’ + ‘daal’ = “yaad”
Similarly, here’s the word “yaar” (यार):
- yaar
- यार
- re
- रे
- alif
- अलिफ़
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
Above: ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘alif’ + ‘re’ = “yaar”
11.2.4: ‘chhoTii ye’ as the consonant ‘y’ in the Medial position
Once again, owing to the specific way a word is written, the ‘chhoTii ye’ make take upon the ‘y’ sound even in the medial position in a word. For example, look at the commonly used word “pyaar” (प्यार):
- pyaar
- प्यार
Above: The word “pyaar”
Here’s a break-down of the example above:
- pyaar
- प्यार
- re
- रे
- alif
- अलिफ़
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- pe
- पे
Above: ‘pe’ + ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘alif’ + ‘re’ = “pyaar”
In a similar way, the word - “dayaar” (दयार):
- dayaar
- दयार
- re
- रे
- alif
- अलिफ़
- chhoTii ye
- छोटी ये
- daal
- दाल
Above: ‘daal’ + ‘chhoTii ye’ + ‘alif’ + ‘re’ = “dayaar”
11.4.4: Some more words
Having wrapped that up, here are a few more words for you to observe and learn.
- bhii
- भी
- thii
- थी
- chhii
- छी
- zii
- ज़ी
- biivii
- बीवी
- piir
- पीर
- piiTh
- पीठ
- piichhaa
- पीछा
With the ‘chhoTii ye’ covered, let’s move on to the ‘ba.Dii ye’ now!